Thursday, March 26, 2015

Smashing Pumpkins

This video shows the Hamilton Gardens giant pumpkin competition from last year.

Look at all the fantastic things you can do with pumpkins. Imagine growing ones as big as the two ginormous ones on the trailer!!! 

We grew giant pumpkins at school again this year.  
Ms Jones collected the seeds for them from the mess of smashed pumpkins at Hamilton Gardens last year after they were rolled down the hill. The seeds came from a whole lot of different pumpkins so that's why the pumpkins grown by the classes this year were all different shapes, colours and sizes.

We carved the biggest pumpkin into a taniwha.

We collected the seeds from inside the pumpkin so we can grow giant pumpkins again next year.

Ahhhh  ha   ha!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Preparing for the art exhibition

We are excited about the school art exhibition that will be held next term.
As our sunflowers have been spectacular this year we decided to make collage art about them.
First we drew our sunflowers with sharpie. They had to be big. 
They also had to overlap in places.

Then we dyed them.

Next we added collage to the centres of the sunflowers to create the effect of seeds and the frilly green edges of the sunflower centres.

This is how they turned out.

We will mount them for the exhibition later.
What fabulous artists the children of Room 13 are.